How Does Pregnancy Impact Your Teeth?

For pregnant women, taking care of your overall health is vital to your own well-being in addition to the long-term health of your baby. As part of that, prioritizing oral health is an essential part of pregnancy wellness because certain issues may develop if proper dental care is not maintained. Below, our Mountain View dentist, Dr. Donian Shen, explains how teeth and gums may be affected by pregnancy and offers guidance to optimize dental health as part of prenatal care.

To begin, expectant mothers that suffer from morning sickness and vomiting should be aware of the potential effect the resulting stomach acid in the mouth can have on tooth enamel. To help neutralize the acid and prevent tooth enamel erosion, it is helpful to rinse the mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water after any bouts of sickness.

One of the most prevalent changes that often occurs with pregnancy is the impact of hormone fluctuations throughout the body—and the mouth is no exception. During pregnancy, progesterone levels may increase the blood supply to your gums, which can then make the mouth more susceptible to irritated, red, and swollen gums and the bacterial plaque that causes gingivitis (the earliest stage of gum disease). This condition is known as “pregnancy gingivitis” and can lead to inflamed or bleeding gums, along with the risk of developing periodontal disease if bacteria collects in the vulnerable gum tissues and leads to an infection.

For expectant mothers that may be craving and consuming sweets, the bacteria created by sugar digestion can also lead to cavities and gum disease. Not only is periodontal disease a serious concern for the mother but it can impact the development of the baby. Studies have found that periodontal issues during pregnancy may cause preterm birth and low birth weight, as the bacteria can travel from periodontal tissues into blood circulation and trigger an inflammatory response within the mother’s body.1

Fortunately, maintaining stringent periodontal care and oral hygiene practices can greatly help to prevent dental issues. Expectant mothers should be sure to brush their teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, use an antimicrobial mouthwash, and attend routine professional dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar build-up. Regular cleanings and exams can reduce the complications like gingivitis and provide early detection of gum disease. Depending on the individual’s dental health needs, dentists may recommend more frequent dental cleanings, especially during the second and third trimesters.

If an expectant mother is experiencing tenderness, swelling, or bleeding gums, it is imperative to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Many routine and emergency dentistry procedures—such as fillings, x-rays, and root canals—can still be performed safely and effectively during pregnancy. Delaying treatment can actually lead to a greater risk of more serious issues so always inform your dental care team if you have any concerns.

In summary, remember to communicate with your dentist’s office if you are pregnant so they may work with you on your individual treatment plan and discuss your oral health over the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Additionally, be sure to maintain diligent oral care with daily brushing and flossing and continue routine dental cleanings and exams on a schedule advised by your dentist.

Contact Smile By Design

For more information about dental care during pregnancy, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shen, we encourage you to contact us today.

1 National Library of Medicine