Implants or Dentures?
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA– When people research the solutions for lost teeth, they usually find two options: implants and dentures. According to the New York Times, specialists see dental implants as more effective than dentures.
In simple terms, implants are more stable in the mouth, as opposed to their counterpart. Therefore, implants provide healthier oral care than dentures.
Dental implants are not only healthier for your mouth, but also allow for a natural, beautiful look. Smile by Design’s implant specialist, Dr. Donian Shen, tries to advocate for implants whenever her patients are candidates.
Dr. Shen always sees a new sense of confidence in her patients following the procedure.
Still, there is one major downside to dental implants. Because of the time, resources and credentials of those needed to perform the procedure, replacing teeth with implants can be expensive.
At Smile by Design, our dentist and her staff make implants not only worthwhile physically, but also financially.
Dr. Shen always explains each possible treatment options to patients, making sure that they’re informed and comfortable prior to moving forward with a procedure.
But one thing remains constant with every patient. Having all of your teeth ensures proper facial function and appearance.
Take the first step in regaining a healthy mouth and contact the office of Smile by Design. Our professional staff strives itself in creating beautiful smiles for our patient not just in our practice, but for the rest of their lives.
*Leave your restorative dental care in the hands of Dr. Shen. She’s established a reputation as the most caring and most professional implant and dental surgeon in the area.
*Dr. Shen is a trusted dentist for implant, cosmetic and full mouth reconstruction cases in the San Francisco Bay Area and Mountain View. Contact our office if you wish to learn more.
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